Other Services
First Book Program:
The First Book Program funded by the EATON Corporation is a partnership between the Child Care Council and CIDS (Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Services) providing early literacy and language books to 150 children each month. Books are delivered to children during home visits conducted by the CIDS Nurses.
For more information contact Executive Director Kellie Lockwood at 607-734-3941 Ext. 217 or klockwood@chemchildcare.com.
Summer Literacy Program:
Research indicates that there is a “summer slide” in the area of retention of children’s reading abilities. The creation of the Summer Reading program, funded by the Community Foundation and the Triangle Fund, has provided reading opportunities for kids at places where they attend summer programs.
For more information contact Executive Director Kellie Lockwood at 607-734-3941 Ext. 217 or klockwood@chemchildcare.com.
Traveling Book Program:
The Traveling Book Program is a partnership between the Council and the Chemung Valley Family Reading Partnership. Volunteer readers go into child care programs each month and read to children. The Reader also leaves a bag of books for the children in care and the Providers to read to children. This repeats each month so that the books rotate and children are exposed to a variety of wonderful children’s books.
The Council also partners or are members of:
Chemung County School Readiness Project
NYS Early Care and Learning Council
NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children)
NYS Association for the Education of Young Children
Family Child Care Association of NYS
National Family Child Care Association
National CACFP Sponsors Association